What did knights wear in battle?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luxury Life

           What was a knight's life like?  Knights lived a very rich and wonderful life.  Some of the knights lived in castles, just like kings did.  In the castels there were usually families, pages, squires, soldiers, priests, servants, cooks, and grooms.  They aslo had blacksmiths that worked for them, maids that cleaned up after them, and even people to take care of their livestock. 
           Lesser knights lived in fortified manors.  This was just like a castle only it wasn't as big.  The knights still had people that worked for them even in their manor.  Children also played a big role in the knights life, because  they had chores to do around the house.  When the kids were not doing chores they would be entertaining themselves by playing games.  They would play marbles or tag, or something like that.  Most of the time the house was cold and damp,so the knights would need to keep a fire going in the center at all times.  Out of everything the knights had alot of responsibility.  I think that a knight had a pretty good life over all.

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