What did knights wear in battle?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dazziling Daily Life

        Mothers gave birth at home usually. The men of the house rarely participated in the birth giving. Birth was a danger for the mother as well as the child. There were 14.4 deaths per every 1000 births. New children were baptizedx at the church. It was very common for married people to produce 5 or more children.
       Rich families had mor kids then the poor, because they had he money to take care of them. The rich also had nurses that liveed with them to watch over their kids. By age 7 kids were expected to act more mature and relative diseases came to an end. Many boys were being prepared for the warrior class. Most teens had jobs to bring home moneyfor their family.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sweet Social Classes

       What were the social classes like for the knights?  Just like any other ancient or medieval era, the knights were part of a social class.  There were two distinct social classes.  This was called the warrior aristocracy.  The two groups are the knights and the nobles. 
       The knights were in the intermediate level in the society.  Knights came from military retainers, but they were defined as military vocation.  The knights were higher then the peasants, but lower than the aristocracy.  Nobles on the other hand were from wealthy families, land owners, and had legal power.  Which would you want to be, a knight or a noble?

Lives Outside of Fighting

         What did knights do when they weren't in battle.  Knights were fighting a lot.  When they weren't  they had a lot of responsibilities.  Since a lot of people lived with the knights they had to provide them with everything.  Knights were farmers which they grew crops. 
         They could also be a business manager and they sold sheep fur.  Another business manager job was the cottage industry.  Being a merchant was another option that a knight could be when they weren't in battle.  This brought in a lot of cash because everyone attended the market downtown.  Also, knights could be a local judge.  This job ment that the knight would hold a court for most crimes.

Luxury Life

           What was a knight's life like?  Knights lived a very rich and wonderful life.  Some of the knights lived in castles, just like kings did.  In the castels there were usually families, pages, squires, soldiers, priests, servants, cooks, and grooms.  They aslo had blacksmiths that worked for them, maids that cleaned up after them, and even people to take care of their livestock. 
           Lesser knights lived in fortified manors.  This was just like a castle only it wasn't as big.  The knights still had people that worked for them even in their manor.  Children also played a big role in the knights life, because  they had chores to do around the house.  When the kids were not doing chores they would be entertaining themselves by playing games.  They would play marbles or tag, or something like that.  Most of the time the house was cold and damp,so the knights would need to keep a fire going in the center at all times.  Out of everything the knights had alot of responsibility.  I think that a knight had a pretty good life over all.

Amazing Animals

         What animals played apart in a knight's life?  Knights were also farmers when they weren't fighting.  So, cattle was very important to knights because they sold the cattle for money.  Earning money lead to buying new armor for when they went in battle.  Horses were also a major part of a knights life. 
         Horses bruoght them closer to their enemy and allowed them to escape in battle.  There were many types of horses, and one was the packhorse.  The packhorse was used to carry the knights baggage on their journey.  Another type of horse that was used was the riding horse, which lead the knight to the battle.  The last kind of horse was the warhorse, which was used to fight in battle.  Another animal that knights used was the mastiff.  A mastiff is a fierce dog that knights would use to gaurd their castle and the camp ground. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Knight's Heavy Armor

What did knights wear when they were in battle?  Knights wore a whole body suit that was made of plates of stele.  These plates were joined by rivets and straps of leather.  Knights also carried shields that contained a strap and leather to place your arm.  If knights wore body armor, then the shields weren’t necessary.  Not all knights could afford full body protection, because it was too expensive.  Which protection would you prefer?
            Also, another important piece of the knight’s armor was the helmet.  There were tons of helmets in the medieval times.  Some helmets covered the whole head, while others just covered the skull.  When knights went to the black or silversmith they could have their armor made just for them or just a suit of armor that was made for anyone.  Knights had to buy their own suit of armor or defense weapon.  depending on the qulity of the body suit, it could be very expensive.  also, since knights rode on horses the horses could have armor too.  This invention was made in Italy.